SARAH MESSERSCHMIDT is a writer interested in art, literatures, and interdisciplinary approaches to the (moving) image. She has been affiliated with Maumaus in Lisbon (2021) and ‘The Whole Life: An Archive Project’ at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin (2022). Sarah was a Writer in Residence supported by the Kunstverein München (2022), and is currently an artist-researcher on ‘The Expanded Librarian’ supported by CRASSH at the University of Cambridge (2023-24). A perennially shy but eager storyteller, a fledgling poetic contortionist, in 2023 she was the Bold Types winner for short fiction with the Glasgow Women’s Library. Her work takes many forms, and has appeared in Another Gaze, Artforum, Art Monthly (UK), Camera Austria, Cashmere Radio, MAP, Mousse, Texte zur Kunst and Third Text, as well as the forthcoming book Reading Kofman in Constellation, edited by Rachel Pafe (Pseudo Press). 

Read Sarah’s 2023/24 GBP Short Story Prize nominated story, ‘twins’, here.

read our Q&A with sarah here.